Friday, November 20, 2009

I think this is the best picture I've taken in Morocco

If you don't understand why, take a closer look.

Just this for today I'm afraid. Pretty exhausted. More later this week (Tuesday at the latest).


  1. What the heck is he doing? Snoozing? Seeking? Praying? Pls. call home on thanksgiving if you can: 2474418 or 9669179. xo. m

  2. Drinking. Water collects in the holes of tree trunks. This is actually a pretty common sight, though not always quite so comical. I'd like to know how the dispersion of these drinking holes affects group movement in times of water scarcity (if at all), but that's a whole new project.


  3. Ha! Great picture.

    Glad to hear you got a guitar!

    My old laptop died and it's taken me a bit to get stuff back together, sorry I've been a bit out of touch.

    Love you,

