Wednesday, September 16, 2009

At long last...

...I give you: the 2 a.m. wake up call. This man marches down our street every night. Starting on the corner outside my window, he slowly makes his way towards the center of town, spreading gaity and joy wherever he goes. Children run into the street and dance in his glorious wake. People launch fireworks from their windows in celebration of his passing.
Actually, it seems as though no one even notices him.
We asked our neighbors about him and they started grumbling.
In the beginning of Ramadan he actually played a little ditty. But I think the novelty of being the guy who wakes everyone up has worn off and now he just plays random notes.

You can hear me actually wake up at some point and suddenly be very confused.
Hope this is as hilarious to you guys as it is to me.

We're still not sure what is wrong with the monkeys. The authorities on the subject sent it up to higher authorities, and we're waiting to hear back. The group seems to be doing alright though, so hopefully it's nothing.

Today I had my first angry monkey encounter. We had been following them for around 8 hours and I think one of the females (Neo) just got annoyed. You might think that being scolded by an animal 1/10th your size would not be scary. It's not, really. But what is mildly terrifying is when the whole group joins in and surrounds you, gnashing their teeth and screaming bloody murder. Thankfully this did not happen today, and she was mostly on her own. Chris assures me, however, that the group screaming event is bound to happen every once in a while. Can't wait. Believe it or not it's a good sign when the monkeys show aggression towards us. It means they are comfortable with our presence and don't really see us as a viable threat. Sweet!


  1. Thank you oh thank you for capturing the mysterious unmelodies of the Azrou reedist! My life is somehow more complete now, in a small but indisputable way.

  2. Now that was WAAAAY more interesting than my day.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. haha!^^ that was awsome.... I like how he plays random notes... I wanna BE him!
