The weather looks like it's going to be much better this week. Sunny and warm instead of cold and rainy. Honestly I wasn't ready for that sort of weather, but I guess it's best that I got a taste of it before the real winter begins.
Ramadan ended today. At least we think it did. The crazy reed-ist made an appearance twelve hours before he was supposed to, so that must mean something. It will still be 2 or 3 days before we can acquire some spirits, and we'll probably wait until next weekend to celebrate properly, but celebrate we will.
I'm working on uploading a video of the evening call to prayer (one of the coolest things I've ever seen/heard), but I haven't quite worked out how to shorten it to a blog-acceptable size. Soon.
I want to measure important events by a reed-ists. Calendars are for n00bs.