Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Are small blisters which form on extremities of the body due to prolonged exposure to low temperatures.  They can normally be prevented by wearing gloves and thick socks, but if those gloves get soaked through by 9 hours of rain and sleet, there's really no point, is there?

Today was a very, very long day.  My hands hurt.


  1. Hmmm... there probably aren't a lot of people that would even dream that a primatologist's work could be associated with chill blisters.

    Keep up the good work!

  2. 1. Don't scratch your skin; you may damage the chilblains further if you do.
    2. Soothe your itching feet with products like witch hazel or calamine lotion.
    3. Rub lanolin into your feet, especially before going out in cold weather. We lose a lot of heat through our extremities, and lanolin will help the body to retain heat.
    4. Phone home.
